Our offerings include leadership development training, executive coaching, and speaking engagements. As a result of our programs, leaders immediately experience how to transform how they lead and connect with others and walk away with tools to improve wellbeing, resilience, and compassion for themselves and others.
We focus on mindset transformation and sustaining behavior change.
In-Person or Virtual Workshops
We offer training workshops on 5 core dimensions for developing Compassionate Leadership:
Emotional Intelligence
Inner Values Alignment
Compassionate Conflict Resolution
Our trainings are experiential and interactive, leading to increased engagement and learning retention. Virtual workshops can include polls, dyad breakouts, group exercises, and live coaching.
These workshops can be adapted for:
Intimate (10-25 people) and Large (100+ people) audiences
Managers, Individual Contributors and/or Executive Teams
Our Compassionate Leadership methodology uses evidence-based practices from secular contemplative practices, neuroscience research and behavioral psychology.
Workshop Testimonials
“I found the presentation of material, examples, and exercises extremely helpful and valuable. I felt immediately equipped to use the tools and it made a difference in my life on the very first day - a big mind shift in understanding myself and managing these situations currently at play in the office.
“Thanks for the wonderful content. Uvinie, you have a gift. You have a unique way to connect to everybody that’s special. For me, there were many lessons, the best one though is mindful listening. ”
“I went to a good number of management training sessions but none of them was as comprehensive as this one. This training struck the right balance between explaining the approaches you can use to lead compassionately and experiencing them to really understand what it means to lead with compassion.”
“Being a leader in today’s rapidly shifting world requires honing skills that are often absent in traditional leadership trainings. Bravely acknowledging one’s own shortcomings, and then developing a mindset that leads to behavioral shifts in your self-awareness and compassion for others are powerful results of Leading Through Connection’s programs.”
To learn more and receive a sample workshop agenda, contact us using the link below.
Executive Coaching
Leadership transformation is difficult without a compassionate guide to process challenges, acknowledge and make peace with blindspots, and unravel longstanding and destructive behavior patterns. Our coaching methodology involves contemplative practices to create space for insight and restorative healing in addition to guided reflection and inquiry. We uniquely ground all of our work together in recognizing and embodying self-compassion and provide practices and tools to do this beyond our time together.
Our executive coaching program is appropriate for leaders who:
Are facing burn out and are feeling overwhelmed
Lack self-compassion and would like more
Want to improve their leadership style to be more connected
Are facing difficult challenges with others at work
Are going through a significant transition at work (such as being promoted into a new leadership role or contemplating a shift in careers)
Are going through a significant transition in life (such as a spiritual crisis that calls your work into question)
We define leaders as anyone who is responsible for influencing the behavior of others, and not based on position. If there are other challenges you’re facing not listed above but are interested in working with us, please reach out to find out if we’re a good fit.
“Leading Through Connection is an incredibly rare gift. Being a CEO can be lonely, stressful, frustrating and difficult. Most of the coaching you are offered is dealing with the symptoms of what’s going on - how to better manage an employee or prioritize your time. But all of those issues speak back to a root issue - your own vitality, your ability to understand the emotions and thought processes at the root of every decision you make, and at the root of your ability to be a good leader in an increasingly complex world. Leading Through Connection is an absolute life-line. I’m so grateful.”
“The LTC coaching calls were eye-opening. Previously, I knew that in theory I should develop a connection with my reports, but I wasn’t really sure what that looked like, or what I should be doing to achieve it. LTC helped me realize what I was missing, and helped me identify opportunities to develop deeper connections. I changed how I run my meetings, especially my 1:1s, and team meetings as well. I focus a lot less on controlling how the meeting flows and pushing for what I want to happen, and I pay a lot more attention on the needs of my reports. We talk a lot more than before about personal matters (weekend plans, personal issues, etc.), and I feel that I have developed deeper relationships with them. I think that I have become a more effective leader as a result.
“For someone who is doubting their ability to successfully lead, this will give you the skillset, confidence, and knowledge that you probably already have but this will bring it out and change the dynamics that you’ve been used to with leading in a very positive way.”
“The core thing that stood out for me in Leading through Connection, relative to other courses I’ve taken, was its focus on applying mindfulness to my interactions with other people. In most meditation practices I’ve done, the focus was on training myself to become more self aware. This had benefits that impacted my interactions with others too, but the opportunity to use my existing relationships in life as a practice space, supported by the coaching and course material along the way, was a powerful and valuable new type of work for me.”
Speaking Engagements
We speak at conferences to raise awareness about the power of Compassionate Leadership. We can provide keynotes or interactive mini-workshops.
Examples of topics and conferences include:
Leading Through Connection, Wisdom 2.0, Audience: 300
Keynote, Bringing fundamentally new methods of connection into donor relationships, National Charities Review Forum 2019, Audience: 400
Leading Through Connection Workshop, Upswell, Audience: 50
Women Together We The Change, Eileen Fisher, Audience: 160
Click the Events page for a full list of upcoming and previous appearances.